3 Cheap Hotels in Raja Ampat with Good Facilities
Traveling to Raja Ampat, West Papua, requires no small cost. High cost of aircraft, boat, and the resort, make the traveler bite the fingers. But do not worry, there are 3 cheap accommodation there to save costs. Want to know? Raja Ampat is famous beauty reached the ears of foreign traveler. There you can play on the islands with white sand, dive look unique animals such as carpet sharks, or looking at beautiful islands of height. However, the high cost of transport and accommodation into several obstacles. Just imagine, the normal cost of round-trip air tickets from Jakarta to West Papua to touch the figure of Rp 6 million. In addition, boat rental can range from Rp 1-6 million and its luxury resorts set prices ranging from Rp 1 million per night. But, it turns out there are some cheap hotels in Raja Ampat. Cost per night had ranged from Rp 350 thousand to Rp 500 thousand. Although inexpensive, around the inn there beaches and clear seas. Here are three cheap lodging in Raja Ampat...